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5 Leading Social Media Networks Pet Professionals Care About
social media networks for pet businesses using kennel software

Your kennel management software is only the first step in embracing technology for pet business. The next big step is using social media as a marketing technique! Why?
  1. Social media is FREE!
  2. Your customers use it (very often).
  3. PawLoyalty kennel software has a feature that allows your clients to share reviews on your company on their social media.
  4. Fleishman-Hillard, a company that specializes in brand marketing, stated in a 2012 report that “89 percent of consumers turn to Google, Bing or another search engine to find information on products, services or businesses prior to making purchases.”
Basically, your web presence is important if you want to stand out among your competitors! If you would post your business in directories, then why not customer-rich social media websites? You can integrate your social media platforms with your kennel software so that when new clients sign up and add to their pet profiles, these will act as software triggers to prompt them to share the activity with their own social media followers.

Here are some of the leading social media websites and apps that pet professionals are using. They are all worth trying out for your pet business because many of your clients will be using them as well. Use them to engage with other pet professionals, attract potential customers, and ensure your current customers that your company is a trusted source of canine expertise!

Focus on building a community on one social media platform first. Don’t get caught up in joining every platform and end up having little activity on each. Here’s where you should start—Facebook.


Facebook is the leading social media site in the world. But you knew that! What some people don’t know is the difference between a personal profile and a business page. Facebook profiles are generally set up to post information about yourself through pictures, status updates, and background information.

Personal pages can be put on private, which would require your permission or acceptance of friend requests before other users can access your information.

Business pages are what you want to focus on! They are open to the public for any Facebook user (your clients) to “Like," which enables them to follow your postings and updates. With business pages, you get analytics results called “Page Insights.” This section shows you how many people you’ve reached, how many new people have liked your page, and how many of your followers are engaged on your site. When you have a Facebook page, you make it easier for your customers to refer your pet business to their friends! You can also use it to interact with other pet professionals in the Facebook Groups section.

You can easily integrate Facebook with your PawLoyalty kennel management software so that pet parents will receive messages to share a review or comment about your business on Facebook when they perform certain actions within the software.

How to Use it:
1 post a day
Best times to post: Weekdays 6-8 AM, 2-5 PM (Check Page Insights)

1.15 billion active users
405 minutes on average per visitor


Google+ is used similarly to Facebook in that people join to maintain relationships (business and personal). This site can promote your business through search engine optimization. After all, Google is the world’s leading search engine.

Google+ is said to be on the rise. According to Forbes magazine, it is a social network that will be doing bigger things in 2014 and has been described as a “one size fits all” network that is gaining on Facebook’s amount of users. Start adding clients to your account now so that by the time Google+ catches up with Facebook, you’ll already be ahead of the game.

How To Use It:
1 post a day
Best times to post: 9-11 AM

343 million active users
3 minutes on average per visitor


Twitter is known for real-time status updates, which is a primary space to direct traffic to your pet blog, business website, or any sites that your business is featured on. You get 140 characters per status update or “tweet” as the local users call it. Use a tweet to post a Tip of the Day or Fun Fact that will have your followers “re-tweeting” you!

What some people forget is that you can also add image links to enhance followers’ experience. On a screen full of words, it’s refreshing to see an image link, especially when it leads to a photo of an adorable pup advertising your brand!

You can easily integrate Twitter with your kennel management software just like Facebook so that your customers can tweet their reviews about your business.

How to Use It:
1-2 posts a day
Best times to post: Weekends, 1-3PM

215 million active users
21 minutes on average per visitor


Pinterest is a virtual corkboard where you can post or “pin” photos of your pet business, advertise announcements, and share quirky pet photos that you’ve found online. This is a casual space to “follow” other pet business professionals and get creative ideas for your business.

Users search for images by keyword, so how you caption a picture is very important. By searching “pet infographic”, for example, brings you to pet information heaven. You’ll want to be well-informed of today’s pet industry so that customers will see you as a reliable source for pet information. You can also pile all of this doggie data onto your organized business’ Pinterest boards and advise customers to follow you for statistics and tips that you believe will be helpful to them as well. This site also drives traffic to your website, which will improve your search engine listing—make sure to put your keywords into your Pinterest board names, captions, and bio!

How to Use It:
5-30 pins per day (depending on how many boards you have)
Best times to post: Saturday morning, 2-4 PM, 8-11 PM

70 million active users
89 minutes on average per visitor


Instagram is picture posting smartphone app for pet businessmen on the go! There are going to be times when you won’t have your computer, but you’ll probably have your phone handy to capture moments throughout your day. Don’t have fancy photos? Not a problem. Instagram is another casual platform that has a variety of quality-enhancing filters that can help you post attractive shots.

This smart phone app is ideal for promoting events as they are going on. If your employees are helping out at the local animal shelter or you are at a tradeshow that is featuring new products you know your customers will love, then snap a picture, add a witty pet-related caption, and let clients know that your pet business isn’t just work, it’s fun too! Be aware that there are no link backs on the posts, but you can put your website link on your profile.

How To Use It:
1 post a day

150 million active users
257 minutes on average per visitor

All of these apps can help you develop a strong web presence and can give potential clients a more well-rounded view of your company’s personality. Use these sites to build the customer’s trust in you as their dog’s caretaker.

Now stop reading. You’re already online, so start a Facebook account! If you already have one, customize your Facebook URL or pick a platform that you are not on and join today!

Throw Us a Bone!

Which of these social media sites is your company on? Which ones do you like the best?

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