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6 Ways To Turn Foot Traffic Into Engaged Customers
engage foot traffic using kennel software

It’s time to introduce a new term to your business strategy: guerilla marketing. You may already be implementing tactics of guerilla marketing without realizing it! The definition of guerilla marketing (thanks to Google) refers to “innovative, unconventional, and low-cost marketing techniques aimed at obtaining maximum exposure for a product”.

Implementing a guerilla marketing action plan can be one of the most successful ways a small business can market themselves to the local community. One area that you should definitely focus on is your foot traffic. Customers who walk their dogs down the street of your business are all prospective clients--you just need to find a way to grab their attention and tug on that leash until they walk through your door!

We’ve listed some of our favorite ways that pet businesses can market to prospects right off the street. Don’t forget to keep track of your walk-ins and signage as referral sources in PawLoyalty Kennel Software. When you pull this report at the end of the month, you’ll see how much of an impact your new marketing strategy has made!

1. Chalk boards

Have you seen those chalk boards outside of sandwich shops that highlight the daily special or a list of menu items? Use the same method. Highlight your popular services, your menu items, and if you have an artist on staff, this is the perfect opportunity to draw attention with bold lettering and hand-drawn caricatures.

2. “Before and After” pictures of your dogs grooming styles (braids, tattoos, dyes)

Does your groomer have a list of specialties under his or her belt? Braiding, tattoos, fur dyes, and feather extensions--the list goes on! Post professional-looking pictures of your well-groomed clients on your window displays. You can also store these photos inside of PawLoyalty Kennel Software for later reference. Your clients will be flattered you’ve asked to highlight their dog’s new groom and your prospective clients will be able to visualize that same style on their dog too! It’s a win-win!

3. Have an interactive advertising display that customers will want to take pictures with!

One idea is you could set up a mirror featuring dog ears and a tail for customers to pose in front of. It’s a bonus if you have a catchy slogan or your company name on the display to emphasize that this visual can be found at your business.

Photo Credit:

4. Place dog bowls outside of your business

This one is easy! Buy a dog bowl or two and place it outside your door. When a dog stops to take a drink, their owner’s eyes will linger at your storefront and perhaps they will stop to take a look inside.

5. Shopping bags with unique designs

Do you have retail products or send your customers home with shopping bags? Make the investment in bags that have eye-catching designs, like dog ears as handles.

Photo credit:

6. Post a funny quote or philosophical question about dogs that customers will stop to laugh at, ponder, or take a picture of.

“Keep calm and wag on.”
“Wag more. Bark less.”

Another idea could be a “Caption This!” picture. Again if you have any staff members who are great with art, have them draw or paint a whimsical picture of a thinking dog with a blank thought bubble over it’s head and ask your customers to think of a funny caption for it. For example, “What if I never find out who’s a good boy?”

Customers gravitate towards interactive designs and creative ideas! Pinterest is a great source of inspiration if you are having trouble thinking of ideas. There, you can find pictures of what other businesses have done, which you can re-use yourself.

The ideas listed above focus on foot traffic on but there is a dogpile of creative ideas that you can come up with to boost your marketing campaigns. Just think! No really, just sit down with a pen and paper for 10 minutes and keep that pet moving the entire time. Once you have a list of ideas, you can filter through it and select the best ones, or just the ones you want to try first. Save the rest for the next quarter. Happy guerilla marketing!

Throw Us a Bone!

What is the most memorable way you have seen a business try and take advantage of foot traffic?

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